Thursday, August 28, 2014

14-Day Two-A-Day Challenge

August marked the return of football and a time when players suit up for two separate practices per day, it's a tradition known as "two-a-days."

Has summer separated you from your inner athlete? Let's spend time recapturing YOUR drive and discipline!  There are no excuses - the kids are back in school, Labor Day is past, and the perfect time is now.  Live Powerfully!

*This challenge is for all fitness levels, and low impact exercises will be provided.  

This online training will be divided into two sessions:
One workout and a healthy eating challenge each day.  The program will be well balanced to allow recovery time over the two weeks.
  1. High intensity interval training that incorporates yoga and Pilates principles to improve overall fitness and refine core conditioning.
    • You will receive 30-minute guided workout videos that can be done anytime, anywhere and don't require equipment. These workouts progress every 3-days and will help IMPROVE overall STRENGTH, FLEXIBILITY and FITNESS!
  2. Teaching strategies and tactics needed to make healthy eating choices.
    • A certified clinical nutritionist will be your daily guide to building healthy eating habits.  For example: day one may be - eating your last meal of the day 3-4 hours before bedtime.  Day two-three will build upon day one... implementing the 3-hour before bedtime rule and let's say, adding in a green smoothie (recipes provided for meals and snacks).  By the end of the two weeks, you will have NEW TOOLS, a new PERSPECTIVE on healthy eating and some new HABITS!
Just like football players you will learn to execute "plays" effectively, efficiently and reflexively without needing time for conscious thought or cognitive processing.  

To get you ready for the fall season, this kick start program will provide accountability, daily guidance & motivation! It will require you to post daily in the private challenge forum once you complete the challenge and the percent you completed.  The workouts will be progressive, and the food challenge will be cumulative, allowing you to implement 4-5 new and simple practices within two weeks.    

You will RECAPTURE the DRIVE and DISCIPLINE needed to live POWERFULLY and RELIEVE habitual ACHES & PAINS.  

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Do You Suffer From WBS?

Let's talk about butts!  Jordan Metzl, M.D., says, "a strong butt is the key to a happy life."  I hands down agree for a number of reasons.  Metzl is an author, marathoner and sports medicine specialist who has seen many patients with what he calls, weak butt syndrome. I'm constantly emphasizing to my clients and class participants that glutes are the powerhouse.  You can have great quads, but with weak glutes you lack engine power. Metzl says that weak glutes not only make runners more injury prone - they also hamper performance, and that's with any activity.  If you suffer from WBS or simply want buns of steel, here's what you can do:

Try these 3 moves twice a week to build a butt that won't lie.  In about a month, you'll feel stronger and will not experience fatigue as quickly.  This routine will also help relieve aches and pains in your knees and hamstrings.  

Lunges - alternate legs for 3 sets of 12 reps
How to do'em: lunge one leg fwd while keeping your trunk upright, your front knee over your ankle and your back shin parallel to the ground.  Push through the heel of the front foot to return to standing.
Plyometric lunges - perform five sets of 15 reps on each leg (30-sec rest between sets)
How to do'em: lunge forward as described above, however instead of stepping back to standing, spring into the air to switch legs using controlled motion and landing lightly as possible (you don't want to hear a loud thud on the ground ;). 

Squats from a chair - work up to 6 sets of 15 reps, then try up to 3 sets of 15 reps of single-leg squats (my classes hate these). 
How to do'em: stand in front of a chair with feet slightly wider than hip-width.  Keeping your back as straight as possible, slowly squat to sitting, then return to standing. 

I challenge you to do these exercises as recommended over the next month.  Before, during and after - share the changes you experience below.  Do you currently suffer from WBS?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Amp Up Your Workout!

Tired of doing the same workout routine? Kick it up a notch!  Here I demonstrate 5 combination moves that will target your arms, abs and legs: 5 Combination Moves to Amp Up Your Workout (Step-by-Step Video Included)