
Receiving this message from Katie touched my heart. She experienced a traumatic injury a few years ago that left her with limited elbow joint movement and chronic pain. It has been amazing to watch her progress, here's what she said after attending boot camp last week (a step outside her comfort zone since we work one-on-one weekly): "I was trying to think of the last time I was in a group class (that wasn't yoga). It has been FOREVER. It made me really happy and proud to have completed one today. Thanks for giving me the confidence and modifying things so that I could do it. It meant a lot to me." 
Age 32
Denver, CO

Sarah and I started working together in January 2014 and met 
3-days per week to prepare for her June wedding. Here's what she said: “Woo hoo!! I'm an athlete! (she's referring to her body composition that went from fitness to athlete). Thanks so much for kicking my butt into shape. I feel fantastic about the results. My goal of toning up has been accomplished! You always make the workouts very enjoyable even on the days I'm not stoked about being there!  I'm sad to miss the boot camps in June, but I'll hop into those when I come back." 
Age 35
Denver, CO

3 Key ASH Fitness Training Insights - 
1) The importance of a good trainer/coach.  It's been years since I've had one and I forgot how much farther you can push yourself when someone else is helping fuel the fire.

2) Variety.  I easily get stuck with a routine - a creature of habit.  Learning and incorporating new exercises (with a slightly free form rotating schedule) to my usual routine has made me stronger and more fit.

3) Form.  It's amazing how much more you get from the work you put in when the work you put in is done right.
Age 38
March 2013

30-Day PowerFit Challenge - In January, I hosted a 30-Day challenge where participants were asked to identify and implement one healthy habit, as well as, perform at least 3 body weight challenge workouts per week (each week challengers were emailed new workouts that were a progression on the previous week's exercises).  Challengers had support through weekly newsletters that contained fitness and nutrition information, and were part of a FB challenge community.  I asked challengers about their results and insights, here's what they said:

  • I don't need an expensive gym membership!  I can get a good workout at home, in the park, etc., etc.  
  • Body weight workouts are total killers!  In just 4 short weeks I can see changes to my body and I feel stronger!  
  • If I commit to something, I can and will do it!  Especially with good guidance and support!  Thank you!

- Amber L.
Boulder, CO

  • My legs have muscles and I am more motivated to keep working out.  
  • I'm getting a routine back and I'm not feeling as tired when I finish.
  • I can tell the difference in running with core muscles!!
  • Arms are yelling at me, but the planks are going to work wonders!
  • The 1-minute intervals are no joke!
  • Sweating!! I seriously need this; thanks for starting my year off right!
  • Thanks for keeping me accountable!
  • Thank you for all the great exercises and information!
  • I'm getting stronger!!
  • I'm actually paying attention to how much water I am drinking, and pushing myself to drink more. 
- Anonymous Challengers

Check out the challenge workouts on YouTube - The ASH Fitness

Eating on the Run - I'm very busy and eat on the run.  While I try to eat well, I've never really paid close attention to my choices. Ashley did.  She spent time visiting the grocery store with me to learn about how I choose food.  She improved my options with a grocery list and a variety of quick, healthy meals, snacks, shakes and recipes that fit my food palate.  I still eat on the run and what I want, but I now feel better and eat better too. My problem was not eating enough food throughout the day and lack of variety. Rather than cramming all my calories in at night, I now eat in the mornings and more consistently through the day.  I generally sleep better as a result, giving me more energy, a little more bang for my buck, and less boredom with my food options. I look forward to working with her more in 2014.

-Jonathan H.
Age 35-40 years
December 2013

Acceptance - After working with Ashley for about 7 months, I look forward to working out because it makes me feel more accepting of my body and what it can do!  My balance, strength and endurance has improved, and I've gone down two clothing sizes! 

Since beginning my relationship with Ashley, I've gone from one training session per week to three sessions per week.   I feel like I always get a kick ass workout training with her and she always keeps the workouts fresh. One of the things I appreciate most about Ashley is that she listens. She knows working out is more than a set of reps, or how far you can push the burn. She knows there can be an emotional aspect to the journey of changing your lifestyle.  She sees the bigger picture and incorporates her physical training skills, with her listening skills and her educational/informational background. 
-Jennie D.
Age 40-45 years
October 2013

Core & More - Ashley is a fantastic trainer! If possible, I take her Tabata class two-to-three times a week. Every class is a little different and always high-energy, high-intensity, loads of fun, and a full body workout.  I look forward to Tabata now. In the beginning, I wasn't really sure I could make it through a class. In fact, I was pretty certain that it would be too hard and I shouldn't even try. But I did, and her enthusiasm gave me the push I needed. Ashley incorporates a lot of core training and cardio into her workouts and I can see the effects spilling over into my outdoor cycling. I feel stronger and can feel my abdominal muscles for the first time in my life!

I guess you never miss what you don't have, but now I realize cycling (duh!) requires a great deal of core strength and I've been cycling seriously for over 40 years. I am now faster and more balanced. I also have more endurance because I'm not just depending on my legs to move me. Ashley is also a great motivator. She is always saying, "you can do this, push past the voice in your head that's telling you to stop, just move your body, it's stronger than your mind thinks it is" or something to that effect.  If you have ever ridden your bike up to Ward from Boulder, you know the corner where it gets seriously steep, it has been my nemesis for close to 25 years. Now, it is no big deal! When I am fading, I think, OK-don't listen to your head saying, NO. And my head isn't telling saying, NO, so often now.

- Judy W.
August 2013

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