Sunday, February 22, 2015

Check Yo'Self Spring Challenge

I don't know about you, but I've already started day dreaming about warm summer weather. The changing of seasons is a time of renewal, and for most of us Spring Break is 4-6 weeks away.  The days are getting longer and we've seen a glimpse of spring weather between winter snowstorms. It's the perfect time to up our motivation for feeling strong and confident in our bodies. Spring and summer is a time we bare more skin so let's go into the season feeling healthy, confident and strong!

Let's get in gear for Spring with the Check Yo'Self Challenge. It's going to be 4-weeks of treating your body superbly which not only puts you on track, but also trains your mind and habits. You'll not only experience a better relationship with food... you'll look and feel better too! These are results you can sustain because I'm not about quick fixes whatsoever - you'll walk away with healthy strategies that work for you!

The challenge includes meal ideas/recipes, daily accountability with private facebook group, and 4-Plateau Busting workout videos with a weekly plan, and more! We won't completely eliminate food groups as part of this challenge, however:

Week 1: No processed foods, no added sugars, no alcohol whatsoever! It's only one week.

Week 2: We will allow ourselves a balance of 2! Two non-healthy treats and 2 drinks.

Week 3: We will take our balance from 2:1

Week 4: You'll be on your own - listening to your bodies signals and receiving strategy and accountability for moving forward.

You will discover that your cravings will be in check by eating natural, whole foods (lean proteins, veggies, fruits and whole grains), and if you're not already doing so, you may find yourself paying particular attention to food ingredients.

Space is limited to 12 people - Sign Up Here!
Deadline to sign-up is Friday, March 6th.

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