Friday, November 21, 2014

It's Here! The Defy 5 Holiday Par-TAYYY!!!

Stay in the game this holiday season so you're not a statistic! Don't play catch up in 2015 with another BORING resolution to lose weight & get fit. Instead, let's set a goal to MAINTAIN, NOT GAIN with DEFY 5! With all the pre-holiday festivities and advertising to get us in the spirit, extra calories and stress are lurking everywhere.

Weight gain during the holiday season is common with many Americans gaining between one-five pounds. To boot, too often the weight is not lost and is the main contributor to the gradual increase most people see year-to-year. -Mayo Clinic

Join me and your inner athlete this holiday season! He/she knows the holidays are coming and it's not a time to go into deep hiding, it's also not a time to be rigid with our goals.  The holidays are social and should be relaxing and fun!  To get a little flavor for what Defy 5 and coaching by me looks like, catch me on The Mia Connect power chat reply where Lisa Lynn and I discuss, Staying Fit & Healthy During The Holidays. We get honest and have fun doing so!

In the video I share that your inner athlete will 
Defy 5 by remaining  flexibleintuitive and resilient, even in the face of pressures brought on by the season. 

With Defy 5 Your Inner Athlete Will Experience:
  • 5 Weekly Newsletters With Fitness & Movement Party Videos - no longer than 30-min (lifetime access to videos and information)
  • Key Tips For Scripting Setbacks To Survive Parties & Gatherings
  • Healthy Holiday Recipes 
  • Self-Care Tips to De-Stress & Remain In Touch With Your Inner Athlete
  • Motivation & Personal Accountability From Me & Defy 5 Participants In A Private Forum
  • An AWESOME Resolution For 2015! #InspiredActionIn2015
Master this holiday season with practice and consistency, not perfection. How far can you go this season to feel alive, healthy & joyful? Ask your inner athlete and see what they have to say! #Finish2014Strong
Client Praise - Online Programs14-Day Two-A-Day Challenge
  • Pushing myself with your workouts for as little as 15-30mins a day has big payoff in fitness gains and is very realistic to commit to.
  • My inner athlete is totally ignited in that my drive to be the fit person I once was has been sparked again.
  • The variety you provided in your workouts was really fun; I was never quite sure what to expect except that it would for sure be challenging!
  • The videos were very helpful and it was motivating having you 'do' the workout with me in that way.
  • Checking in through the forum was great for accountability.
  • By having the videos accessible, I am confident that when I travel or miss a day at the gym, I will still be able to get in a workout.  I have already accessed a workout when I was unable to stick to my usual schedule. Having this at my fingertips really takes away any excuse I can conjure as to whey I can't workout, as well as the stress I feel when I think I won't be able to workout.  How about those diametrically opposed emotions!
  • I'm 3.5 pounds lighter in 2-weeks! Unreal!
30-Day January PowerFit Challenge
  • I don't need an expensive gym membership!  I can get a good workout at home, in the park, etc., etc.  
  • Body weight workouts are total killers!  In just 4 short weeks I can see changes to my body and I feel stronger!  
  • If I commit to something, I can and will do it!  Especially with good guidance and support!  Thank you!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Don't Dive Off A Ledge This Holiday Season!

Catch me as a guest on The Mia Connect power chat this Friday where we'll be discussing fitness tips to keep everyone from starting 2015 with the OLD and BORING resolution to lose weight or get fit! I'll be joined by Lisa Lynn who has made appearances on Dr. Oz and was Martha Stewart's trainer for 13 years. Join us! Click here to watch LIVE on Friday at 10am MT: Staying Fit & Healthy During The Holidays & Beyond! 

Don't Be Left Making This Face!
Weight gain during the holiday season is common with many Americans gaining between one-five pounds. To boot, too often these pounds are not lost and are the reason for the gradual increase in weight year after year - Mayo Clinic. 
I know you want to stay in the game this holiday season because you DON'T want to be a statistic, that's why you'll want to be on the lookout for details about my upcoming HOLIDAY CHALLENGE - ANTI 5 - that starts Monday, Dec. 1, 2014!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

I'm Sleeping With....

REAL Life Book Club. Here's a short ditty about what I believe to be true. If I leave a stack of REAL Life Book Club approved books next to my bed - as seen in the picture to the left - I am able to retain all the juicy truths contained in the pages through osmosis. It's really quite spectacular. And it's a superpower I've been using since my school days. This is no joke, I used to study until I couldn't keep my eyes open - this should not lead you to believe that I spent long hours studying. If I didn't make it through all the material, I'd leave the book next to my bed and tell myself I could study while I sleep. Little did I know I was flexing my receiving muscles and I did graduate with honors. 

Here's How It Actually Goes...
My truth. I've been trying to kick post traumatic stress disorder -PTSD - to the curb in a real big way. First off, I didn't even realize I had it, but as I received therapy following a car accident in August 2013, I learned that I've been living with it for 14 years!  Um yeah. I couldn't believe it either and it's still strange for me to say I experience(d) PTSD. *14 years because I was in a major car accident when I was 19 years old and apparently trauma can live inside us - even small ones too.

I also learned that there are different levels of processing PTSD and one tool for "recovery" is to seek community connection, a higher purpose, etc.  Definitely more touchy feel-y than I was used to being in life, however I also learned that I was living very detached from myself and my experiences. It can be best described as living with white noise in the background - and that white noise constantly comes from within, it never turns off until released.


Joining REAL Life Book Club has been a great way for me to open up my feminine side a little more and begin taking small steps to gain more freedom in my life. 

What better way to do this than with a book called, The Power of Receiving by Amanda Owen. Amanda's book promotes and values receiving as much as giving and is for anyone who does too much, loves too much or multitasks to exhaustion. Work on your receiving muscles if you:
  • Ignore real emotions and put on a happy face to appear perfect
  • Fill the desires of others at the expense of your own
  • Push beyond reasonable limits
  • Deflect compliments
  • Avoid time alone and turn to unhealthy substances, food or other activities as a way to "let go or escape" to meet needs
  • Try to do it all alone and never ask for help
  • Feel resentful or angry
"When we push away or do not receive willingly, people notice! A lack of acceptance and acknowledgement sends the message loud and clear that we don't want to be given to. And life cooperates by being less giving." - Power of Receiving

Now I don't know about you, BUT that makes me say, "Wait - hold the phone - I'm the one holding myself back from rich experiences?! F*K!" This catapulted me into action; #inspiraction to be exact! Now don't get me wrong - change doesn't happen overnight - AND I had been embracing the notion of #One and being a #HotMess prior to getting my hands on this juicy material. BUT I wasn't implementing these changes without running in circles with questions. This book put everything into context for me. I fully understand what giving and receiving is and what it isn't, and how to ROCK IT like Diana Ross' I'm Coming Out.

By shifting your perspective and building your receive muscles, you can take control too. To make sure we are on the same page - the definition of receive is: "to accept willingly." To become a better steward of receiving one must embrace all feelings - the good, bad and ugly by acknowledging them. I now allow myself to feel these emotions fully. That way they don't get stuck in some holding pattern that ultimately keeps me stuck. Let me be clear though - complaining is not the same as acknowledging your feelings. See this book is a must read because I can tell you that repressed emotions find a way of manifesting themselves as little monsters. And these little monsters tend to take a toll on our health and relationships. So be bold, be honest with yourself and others, feel sh*t, and give and receive with reckless abandon!

"The Moment You Own It, You Better Never Let It Go. You Only Get One Shot, Do Not Miss Your Chance To Blow This Opportunity Only Comes Once In A Lifetime" - Eminem

Below are a few nuggets of Amanda's wisdom that really provided a shift in perspective for me, not only pertaining to my situation, but friend's and loved ones too. It has allowed me to see where people are coming from or may even be stuck in unhealthy behavior patterns.

Nugget 1: Are you busy trying to control every outcome?
"When we are not adept receivers, we try to control everything through our own efforts. Not only is this counterproductive but such a strategy does not take anything else or anybody's desires into account." 

Nugget 2: Do you believe that if you accept help you'll owe the person? Are you always keeping score?
"An experienced receiver does not fear being indebted to a Giver because the gate of giving and receiving swings both ways - receiving sometimes and giving at other times. It is only when you don't have practice at both that it is easy to be confused about what your needs and rights are."

Nugget 3: Do you ignore or suppress your emotions?"Can you imagine being praised for expressing feelings of weakness, vulnerability, jealousy or hate? Emotions need acknowledgement - to be received. We pay a high price when we ignore or suppress them." 

Do you find it easier to relate to someone who has it totally “together” or someone who reveals themselves as human?
To truly connect with others you have to reveal yourself – be authentic rather than give an impression of the person you think you should be. Over the course of this book my ability to share about myself has increased 10 fold. I've stepped out of my comfort zone a little more and will continue to do so. The white noise I once experienced is no longer present. It's important that you know that I was not aware of this noise until it disappeared - it's sneaky and it steals from you at every turn. Over the course of the 14 years, I did know that my brain had a hard time processing feelings and emotions, and I often felt stuck in an undesirable space. However, it was so embedded in my being that I had no physical way of releasing it. Very strange for someone as physical as me.

Join me as I begin my journey as a REAL Life Book Club leader in 2015. You can subscribe here to stay in the loop - book clubs are in-person and virtual - you can pick your poison!